Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Monday, March 7, 2022

Was it Arthur Doyle & Mary or Their Children Who First Made the Crossing From Ireland to Canada?

This blog has been under an assumption for many years that brothers Owen and Charles Doyle were the two Doyles who left Graiguenamanagh, Ireland for Canada. However, new genealogy indexes have provided some great new data! You can find this data on the Facebook group: Descendants of Arthur Doyle and Mary of Graiguenamanagh, Ireland.

Here are some discovered facts about Arthur - the patriarch of the North America Doyle Family from Graiuenamanagh :

1) Arthur Doyle was born in 1780 in Graiguenamanagh, Ireland, County Kilkenny.
2) Arthur Doyle was in Quebec  in route to Montreal on July 17, 1828.
3) So, he made it to Canada!

But ...
1) Did he complete the journey from Quebec to Montreal? Or did he pass away during the journey?
2) Did he arrive in Tyendinaga Township/Marysville-Ontario in Canada?
3) If so, perhaps he passed away fairly early on and was buried in a make-shift grave with a marker that has been lost.
4) His death/burial information are still to be found. So many possibilities.
5) But, he did make it to Canada!

This is fuzzy, and I'm not sure what ancestry research place it come from, but it asserts that Arthur died in Ontario, Canada. Click here to see the document a little closer.

And here's evidence that his wife Mary lived with their son Martin (other records indicate that she lived with her son Michael). This excerpt comes from ...
... the book "The Story of Holy Name of Mary Parish" ... which has a large section on the Doyles from Graiguenamanagh, Ireland who settled in Tyendinaga Township/Marysville, Ontario, Canada.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Are You a Descendant of Arthur Doyle and Mary of Graignuemanagh, Ireland (County Kilkenny)?

An Emigrant Ship in Dublin Bay - 1800s

If you believe you might be a descendant of Arthur Doyle and Mary Lownsdale* of Graignuemanagh, Ireland (County Kilkenny), consider requesting to join this Facebook group (see link below):

*For a time, it was suggested that a Mary Lownsdale was the wife of our Arthur Doyle; however, other details, such as church affiliation, hometown, and names of children do not match. So, there is a confidence that our Arthur most likely married a different Mary ... whose maiden name is yet to be determined. 

Facebook Group Description ...

Descendants of Arthur Doyle and Mary - Graiguenamanagh - Tyendinaga

A Great Discovery Made!
Find more detail here.

Corrections for many a Doyle chart!

Hopefully some day soon we'll learn our Mary's Maiden Name!